Rescue: HI-Surf is an action drama that follows the personal and professional lives of the heavy-water lifeguards who patrol and protect the North Shore of O’ahu—the most famous and dangerous stretch of coastline in the world. Each episode will feature these dedicated, heroic, and adrenaline-seeking first-responders saving lives in the difficult and often life-threatening conditions of Hawaii’s Seven Mile Miracle.
Rescue: HI-Surf is an action drama that follows the personal and professional lives of the heavy-water lifeguards who patrol and protect the North Shore of O’ahu—the most famous and dangerous stretch of coastline in the world. Each episode will feature these dedicated, heroic, and adrenaline-seeking first-responders saving lives in the difficult and often life-threatening conditions of Hawaii’s Seven Mile Miracle.
,冲浪救援队是由约翰·威尔斯执导,阿莉尔·凯贝尔,亚当·德莫斯,亚历克斯·艾欧诺,克考亚·克库毛诺,佐伊·西普雷斯,贝文·布茹,西·下冈,肖恩·海托西,伊恩·安东尼·代尔,玛丽亚·布里斯,Robbie Magasiva等人主演的,于2024年上映。 相关赞助院线:策驰影院,星辰影院,星空影院,西瓜影院,抖音短剧视频等40集全集完整版资源免费在线观看。